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Showing posts from April, 2020

What is Native Advertising and how to do it right

What is Native Advertising? What are native contents? Find out how to structure a native campaign to get results. The Native Advertising is a form of advertising that toppled the concept of traditional advertising. Unlike the latter, which aims to distract the reader from the content in order to better communicate the advertising message, Native Advertising has the purpose of not diverting the attention of the reader by immersing the advertising within the context. Let's find out together more in detail what Native Advertising is and how it is done . What is Native Advertising Native Advertising, or native advertising , is a form of contextual online advertising that hybridizes and camouflages the content and advertising messages within the editorial context in which they are placed, presenting advertising as a natural continuation of the editorial content that hosts it. . The ads or, more generally, the native advertising contents are fully consistent with the